Give yourself a luxurious space
to recalibrate and soothe the soul

Oarai Kamiiso Torii

The miracle of the Holy Land in 856 AD,
It is also a place of interest for photographers



Four seasons full of
beautiful flowers.
The most popular one is
Spring Nemophila and
autumn Kochia Known as
the must-see for this life

ひたち海浜公園 コキア
ひたち海浜公園 ネモフィラ

Free Shuttle Service

Oarai Station   Oarai Hotel
10:15 10:25 around
13:30 13:40 around
15:05 15:15 around
Oarai Hotel   Oarai Station
9:00 9:10 around
10:00 10:10 around


Please make a reservation through the contact form. However, please note that reservations made within 24 hours may not be answered.


Please make a reservation when you check in at the hotel.

Soak in the hotel's sea view bath,
has a panoramic view to Pacific Ocean
Is the highest enjoyment of life

Rakuten Travel Japanican

Oarai Hotel

6881, Isohamacho, Oarai-machi Higashiibaraki-gun, Ibaraki, 311-1301, Japan